Balls Hurt After Ejaculation
Along with the testicle pain you might have trouble peeing or find that you have to use the bathroom frequently during the night. Your doctor may take a urine test to check for signs of a bacteria in your urine. Testicular Pain Causes Treatments And Self Check Advice My girlfriend returned from South America and we had sex twice in a short period of time. Balls hurt after ejaculation . In some men the painful ejaculation may only be acute and happen temporarily. Painful ejaculation also known as dysorgasmia or orgasmalgia can range from mild discomfort to severe pain during or after ejaculation. Possible epididymitis which is inflammation and possible infection of the sperm transport duct behind the testicle. This is not an uncommon problem among the male population. But if youre experiencing a high degree of pain. The reduced blood flow causes sudden and often severe pain and swelling. Sir i had testicular pain 30 months back for 4 days then it resolved on its ow