
Showing posts with the label cystic

Can People With Cystic Fibrosis Be Near Each Other

Trying to avoid other CFers. More than one to be kept several feet apart from the dog-eared page julia s. Five Feet Apart Film Sparking Treasure Valley Cystic Fibrosis Conversation Ktvb Com 3 If you are a student talk to school leaders about the six-foot rule. Can people with cystic fibrosis be near each other . The nasty bugs can be passed to each other which can be dangerous in people with cf but harmless to other people. This is known as cross-infecting each other. People with cystic fibrosis should never meet each other as they carry bacteria within their lungs that could be harmful to each other. Dangerous bacteria jumping among cystic fibrosis clinics around the globe. This is one case where you should shun your parents otherwise good advice on sharing. Sign up for our forums and join the conversation. People with Cystic Fibrosis can pass bacterium like cepacia pseudomonas MRSA etc. Two cystic fibrosis patients meeting each other in person will increase the